Refueling the Magic Furnace: Kilonova 2017 Rewrites the Story of Element Origins



For more than half a century, we have understood element creation in the stars—described in Marcus Chown’s colorful image as “the magic furnace.” From 1958 until 2017, supernova explosions were thought to be the primary site of element creation above Iron, No. 26 on the Periodic Table. This assumption was radically overturned with the August 17, 2017, arrival of signals from a catastrophic collision of neutron stars. This paper traces the history of element-creation science leading to the striking discoveries attending “Kilonova 2017” that now call for a rewriting of the nucleosynthesis chapter of Big History.




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David Christian, a Cynthia Stokes Brown, Craig Benjamin, Big History: Between Nothing and Everything (New York: McGraw Hill, 2014), 28.

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Nigel Calder, The Key to the Universe: A Report on the New Physics (New York: Viking, 1977), 199.

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