The General Law of Being Article 1: Being of Interrelation


Ye Chen


In December 1998, Dongyue Wang, a polymath with almost no engagement in the academic community, published his work, 物演通论 [A Unified Theory of Evolution], in which he shared his new cosmological system – a model of existence that unifies every being with a simple, universal law. It is profound and a fundamental challenge to existing thought about perceptions of reality in our universe.
Astonishingly, this ingenious, fundamental theory sprouted in China, which has almost no soil of philosophy to nourish it. While the literature of Laozi, Confucius and the Hundred Schools of Thought are recognized as Chinese metaphysics, little philosophy can be found afterwards for over 2000 years – until Wang appeared with his ideas that propose an ultimate principle of all beings, including the very basis of being and how changes of the properties of beings are possible.


Author Biography

Ye Chen, Asian Big History Association

Ye Chen (Zora) did her undergraduate degree in economics and arts, followed by a master’s in the social sciences. Zora has always been passionate about literature, art, and philosophy. Composing poetry and prose, and analysing literature and art / pieces cultivated her aesthetic world view, which was challenged by Wang Dongyue’s A Unified Theory of Evolution. The book lit up her curiosity about the ultimacy of beings, a topic that covers multiple disciplines of nature and social studies. Through Wang’s model, the world (with its chaotic and fortuitous phenomena happening at every instant) turns out to be reasonable and clearer than ever in Zora’s view. Currently, she is planning to do a PhD on macro-evolution, philosophy and nature, which would contribute to the final completion of her book, Introduction to the General Law of Being. Zora may be contacted at <>.