The General Law of Being. Article 2 The Being of Differentiation and Its Arising Issues


Ye Chen


This is Article 2 in a series about the General Law of Being, a science philosophy introduced by Chinese scholar Wang Dongyue twenty years ago and then expanded upon by Chen Ye, who linked it to other scientific and philosophical traditions, as well as to Big History. We encourage readers to review the first article in the previous issue of the Journal of Big History 6 (1). As addressed in Article 1, all entities in the universe – beings – are finite, interdependent, and interrelated.


Author Biography

Ye Chen, Asian Big History Association

Ye Chen (Zora) did her undergraduate degree in economics and arts, followed by a master’s in the social sciences. Zora has always been passionate about literature, art, and philosophy. Composing poetry and prose, and analysing literature and art / pieces cultivated her aesthetic worldview. Her aesthetics however were challenged by philosopher Wang Dongyue’s text, A Unified Theory of Evolution, a book that lit up her curiosity about the ultimacy of beings, a topic that covers multiple disciplines of nature and social studies. Through Wang’s model, the world (with its chaotic and fortuitous phenomena happening at every instant) turns out to be reasonable and clearer than ever. Currently, she is planning to do a PhD on mega-evolution, philosophy and nature, which would contribute to the final completion of her book, Introduction to the General Law of Being. Zora may be contacted at <>.